Monday, March 4, 2013


I know I’ve been lax on posting lately. I’m still in the midst of my major revision. The light at the end of the tunnel still seems pretty distant, but it’s closer than before. My amazing critique partners and awesome agent sent back their critiques and I’ve revised. I added two new chapters from Landry’s point-of-view. He’s got an amazing voice and a weird sense of humor. Plus, he’s totally in love with Mala (poor guy).

With the current round of revisions finished, I’m waiting for my line edits. I decided now would be the best time to finish up the sequel to this book. I started BAD MOJO during NaNo, but I put it on hold to complete this revision with only about five more chapters left to the end.
Thank goodness I didn’t finish it. The revision of the first book means revising this one. A lot has changed. A revised plot, loss of key characters. It's a challenge I'm enjoying.

So that’s my writing life.

What is everyone else up to? Fill me in so I don’t feel like an outcast.
I miss you all.


  1. Hello! Glad to hear your revisions are going well. I'm just about to start revisions on my NaNoWriMo novel and I'm very excited about it. I think this might be my favourite project yet!

  2. Hi Samara,
    Yay, so excited to hear you're about to start revisions. I finished my first read of my NaNo project BAD MOJO over the weekend. It's amazing how much I had forgotten. I totally love my project as well. Good luck and keep me updated on your progress.

  3. I'm not looking forward to revisions! LOL. I'm put a sequel on hold for a few days to finish writing guest posts for a blog tour and lesson plans for a class I'm teaching. Thanks for stopping by. Following back.


Now it's your turn. What do you think?

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